Things have been
nothing short of 'manic' lately.
These past few months have been very busy and I've
found it difficult to find time to dedicate to the next assignment. However
this being said, I do already have a whole range of images I need to sort into
some kind of order and get moving which should progress me at least halfway
through, so there is light at the end of tunnel … I just need to prioritize my
work load!
That being said, I
have been quite busy with my photography is another capacity, of which I am
quite proud of.
I’ve been working
with and supplying the ‘Snow Leopard Trust’ some of my photographs for their
advertising and merchandise, working towards greater awareness for these
endangered cats and helping their conservation.
Using imagery to
spark awareness is one of the most effective ways at appealing to the public
and spreading the word, by helping make people aware of the issues that are so
often overlooked.
This has, from what I
am told, gone down extremely well and the response to their cause has increased
which is fantastic for all concerned, epically the snow leopard. Within the
next 2 weeks we will also hear if they have won and/or come in the top 3 of the
BBC World Challenge, which again my photographs have been used to aid the
Other projects
keeping me busy have been on a similar track, offering my photographs for
advertising and commercial use to my local wildlife park, Marwell and Cotswolds
Wildlife Park, both of which carryout fantastic conservation work.
I’ve have also taken
it upon myself to create and publicize my own ‘coffee table’ style wildlife book, which can
be seen here:
So, over the past few
months, having a cause, a reason has greatly increased my appreciation for both
photography and wildlife. I’m disappointed I haven’t been able to progress my
course, but I will, that’s the beauty of it being part-time.
Last of all, I’d just
like to say this final statement:
“Sit back and imagine
a world without the diverse wildlife we have, imagine waking up on a spring
morning without the beautiful sound of birds singing in the trees. Not being
able to take your child to a zoo to see their first tiger in the flesh, to hear
its roar and witness the sheer power and presence of these magnificent animals.
They are not there on show, but are part of a greater conservation effort. It’s
now when you realise that we must act, to do what we can do to help.
With the obvious
conclusion that we as a species could not survive without animals and insects,
they have a right to be here and to be protected from us, who are their main source
of distinction.”