While taking a short break between assignments I still make sure I have time to get out and about and most of take my camera. Last weekend I managed to get away to Lundy Island (of the north west coast of Devon) a remote island which became England's first Marine Conservation Zone.
Word of warning, check the weather first! and for those of you who are pure land lovers ..... there's plenty of sick bags on board, as I found out on my trip over. Needless to say the captain of the boat that took us over warned everyone that the seas were slight to moderate .... Moderate ... heed this warning ... Moderate basically means 10ft high waves and you'll probably spend the next 2 hours trying to sit still, stand (without falling over) and trying to avoid becoming another statistic ... holding a sick bag!
Although in saying that, the trip is well worth it, the island is peaceful and beautiful and must for all those hikers, campers and photographers. They even ban mobile phones from the local pub, and if you don't like you can always try the next one ... ah, no wait, there is only 1 pub on Lundy.
All though on our trip we didn't see any Puffin's (my main reason for going) we did enjoy a lovely hike around the island, some great history and landscapes.
Weather was dry, but overcast which is the topic of the next set of photos I'd like to share .... I title these
"The darker side of Lundy"
All alone |
Storm coming |
Sit and wonder |
Angry clouds |
Battered Wall |
Time to think |
very moody pics - lovely contrasts & excellent in b/w. Super outcomes.
Thanks Anna. It was actually a nice day, although it was overcast for most of it, the colour photographs are ok, but they just looked a bit flat, so thought I'd approach it slightly different.
Turn them all B/W, enhance the contrast, create a theme and express the darker side, the more moody atmosphere of the island.
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