Here I have to take some of my existing photographs and crop them in a way to produce a slightly different view or take on the photo, whether it will be enhanced or perhaps throw in there a different meaning.
F/5.6-1/100-100-250mm |
Here I have decided to zoom closer in on the yacht to make it more prominent within the photograph, while slightly off setting if from centre to give a more appealing composition.
f/2.4-1/80-400-50mm |
My aim here was to bring focused attention to the eyes and face of the model.
F/5.6-1/250-200-250mm |
I wanted Bring the black and yellow stripe of the Gold Crest to full attention, by zooming in and maknig the bird fill more of the frame.
f/5.6-1/200-100-250mm |
The idea here was not to focus on any particular feature but to change the shape and overall layout of the image while keeping the blue tit as the main focus.
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