Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Gathering my thoughts

Time is slowly ticking by, so in the past week I've decided to look ahead and have started thinking and planning for my first assignment ... Contrasts.

The assignment suggests a list of contrasting words, such as Black/White or Light/Heavy which should be illustrated via the photographic medium.

Since I've had my DSLR I've been fascinated and inspired by the images portrayed in the generic photographic magazines and photographer of the year publications; so much so that my fiancée calls me a little twitcher as I'll spend hours at a time, waiting for the opportunity to photograph native birds or local wildlife, grabbing every opportunity to photograph passers by and their dogs.

Of all the areas, I enjoy wildlife the most; last time I went to Marwell Zoo I used up both memory cards I had with me, and brought back over 700 photos in RAW to look through and process! I could sit, watch and wait all day to get that perfect picture.

However I digress ... my assignment will hopefully reflect my passion for wildlife and nature.

Looking through all the options I have decided on which pairs of Contrasts to illustrate. Some ideas of how to show these came quickly, others, not so! Some are obvious but as with all photography, finding that single approach that is different and expressive, I feel, turns a good photo into a great or memorable photo with depth and meaning, that engulfs the viewer and provokes a reaction.

I have one more exercise to complete and I'm half way through compiling my first assignment. I'm also looking forward to another photo filled weekend where I'll hopefully be ready to print everything and submit later next week. As I want this unit to be formally assessed, my tutor has advised I print large format (A4 minimum). Mounting the photos together with technical details and thoughts will be a challenge in itself... double sided or larger than A4 .. A3?

.... Need a bigger work station!

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