Friday 1 April 2011

Fitting the Frame to the Subject

Following my recent upset, of losing all my photographs I wanted to get a move on so for this exercise I decided to op for using my car as the single object. A little dirty due to all the travelling I do with my job but it helps portray a more realistic view and down to earth view of a car/object and not something you'll see on a garage forecourt being sold!

Standard View of Subject

Fitting the Frame

Alternative View

Close up view of section of car showing details of badge.
The colours here split the photo nicely in two where the silver badge helps draw the eye in.

Another close up view of the main badge of the car. I decided to centralise the image on this occasion which I feel has given a more striking image as the bonnet of the car stretches away in the distance.

Another different angled view to help exaggerate the sweeping curves of the car.

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