Friday 1 April 2011

Focal Length

For this exercise I had to choose a single scene where I could effectively take a single wide angle shot and from here, zoom in to others areas close by changing the focal length and looking for shots within the original shot taken.
I choose a local spot overseeing Portsmouth.

Zoomed in area to the left, I noticed some Black birds resting. Photo taken with Langstone Harbour in the distance.

Typical terraced houses focused in the background, while a family enjoy the good weather nearby.

Same photo as above, however this time I decided to focus in on the father, teaching his son how to fly a kite.

A very foggy evening, of a view looking down into Western Portsmouth.

A misty view of the Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth. I took several photos of this, and ending up choosing this image as it captures a bird souring in sky above.

A lonely bench!

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